Public bathhouse renovation cafe “rebon Kaisaiyu”


Have you ever heard of public bathhouses “Sentou”?

Sentou is a type of public bathhouse and has been used by many people in Japan for a long time.

I would like to introduce you to “rebon Kaisaiyu”, a renovated Sentou that has been reborn as a stylish café.

What is rebon Kaisaiyu?

Kaiyayu was built in 1928.
Inside the bathhouse, the painted picture of Mt. Fuji still remain, creating the atmosphere of those days.

Due to the aging of the building and facilities, the bathhouse is no longer in operation. However, it was reborn as “rebon Kaisaiyu” out of the desire to preserve the building filled with memories of many people.

​Coffee & Ice Cream Mariage Plate

I ordered a set plate of blueberry-flavored ice cream and coffee made from Ethiopian beans.
According to the owner, he recommends pouring the coffee over the ice cream and enjoying the marriage of the two.
If you come to the store, please give it a try.

There are other types of ice cream and coffee set plates on the signature menu.

・Blueberry & Ethiopia (My Choice!)
・Kiwi & Costa Rica
・Chocolate & Nicaragua
・Shonan Gold Mikan & Colombia

I hope you enjoy the marriage of various ice cream and coffee by ordering different menus : )

Feel the good old Japanese public bathhouse

Not only can you enjoy the marriage of ice cream and coffee, but you will also feel at home in the old-fashioned atmosphere of a public bathhouse.
From the moment you enter the store, it will surely be in your unforgettable travel memories.

Please visit us when you want to go to a cafe in Tokyo that is a little unique.

レボン快哉湯 rebon Kaisaiyu
レボン快哉湯は下町情緒あふれる東京都台東区下谷に佇む築90年超の銭湯「快哉湯」を改装して誕生したカフェです。コンセプトは「記憶をつなぐカフェ」。自家製アイスクリームと自家焙煎コーヒーのマリアージュセットがおすすめです。レボン快哉湯 rebon Kaisaiyu|カフェ|台東区


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